About Athelean
Huis Athelean, Meir
We are specialised in retail real estate and active in residential property and offices.

Our portfolio consists of triple A listed buildings, mostly of historic value. We renovate our properties to the highest quality standards, give them a new purpose to create added value for the next generation.

Our long-term vision is key in everything we do. We base our decisions on more than 20 years of expertise and always put quality first. We aim for long-term solutions that connect past, present and future.

Athelean Real Estate Investment Group is an established player in the retail property market with unique triple A locations, in the historical city centres of Belgium’s major shopping cities.

Our passionate team operates from our offices in Bornem with a view on the Schelde and from our headquarters, Huis Athelean (the former ‘Osterriethhuis’) on the Meir in Antwerp, one of our best-known and most beautiful realisations.

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